Preschool for the Arts Curriculum


We recognize that developing a child’s social competencies enhances his/her ability to succeed in school, in work, and in life.

At Preschool for the Arts, we envision a future where creativity and leadership go hand in hand, shaping a better world for us all. Join us in this exciting journey as we guide our youngest learners towards a future where they can truly make a difference, armed with the power of creativity and a heart full of kindness.

Our curriculum is created to align the objectives for development set forth by the NC Early Learning Standards, as well as the state’s kindergarten readiness requirements. Our unique all-encompassing curriculum covers STEM, language and literacy, social skills, physical development, and critical thinking all with a focus on learning through the arts.

Young children learn best through guided play. Learning requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work. For children it is play that leads to understanding about the world in which we live. Guided play means that everything our teachers set out for the day is done so with purpose, and our students learn while having fun. Our goal is to help children become enthusiastic learners. We encourage children to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and think their own thoughts. We want to help children become independent, self-confident and inquisitive learners.

My daughter had attended a couple of different daycares before we found Preschool for the Arts when she was 3. Our family has been blown away by how much she has grown both academically and socially. I have a feeling she has made friendships here that will last a lifetime!

Charles W

Strong Communication

Preschool for the Arts strives for constant and thorough communication between the staff and parents. Through newsletters, emails, chats at pick-up, and a private Facebook group, parents are always in direct contact with our teachers. In addition, for an official record of your child’s progress, evaluations are sent home twice a year to keep you informed of how your child is doing. And you can access your billing and enrollment status through our convenient Member Portal’

Small Class Sizes

Our student/teacher ratios keep our classes smaller than state requirements allow to ensure proper attention is given to each student. Smaller classes also allow students and parents to develop a strong relationship with their teachers.


Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline© is a relationship-based, community model for helping children develop problem solving and self-regulation skills. It has been proven to improve the quality of teacher-child interactions, improve the school climate, and can lead to increases in academic readiness and achievement, which is why we have chosen to implement these strategies into our classrooms. Our teachers attend professional development throughout the year to learn more about the best and latest ways to use these strategies in their classrooms.

“We were referred by a family friend and I thank her constantly for letting us know about this amazing school. Preschool for the Arts has been a true blessing for our family. Our son’s teacher is truly invested in his well-being and growth and she pours into him every day. The care and compassion continue throughout the entire program. From the director, specials teachers, and even the teachers from different grades – they all truly care for our son, know him by name, and make him feel comfortable and happy. We are so grateful.”

-The Heath Family

Sample Daily Schedule

All of our students attend a structured day full of learning, purposeful play, social/emotional skill building, and “specials”. Students also enjoy several guest visitors and field trips throughout the year. We love the visits from the Fire and Police Departments and our trips to the pumpkin patch just to name a few. Our large facility offers plenty of options for rainy days as well. When the weather does not allow for outside time, one of our larger rooms serves as a place to set up a bounce house, tunnels, or mats so the kids can get their wiggles out no matter the weather!

Below is a sample day for our 3 -4 year old classes. Depending on age, each class has a customized schedule that is appropriate for age and developmental level. (our 2 year old class is similar with shorter intervals and dismissal at 12:00)

9:00 – 9:15 Drop Off – Free Play
9:15 – 9:30 Morning Meeting/Circle Time
9:30 – 9:55 Centers – Math/Literacy/Sensory
9:55 – 10:15 Teacher Led Activity STEM or Craft
10:15 – 10:25 Snack
10:25 – 10:55 Recess
10:55 – 11:30 Guided Imaginative Play
11:30 – 12:00 Specials
12:00 – 12:25 Lunch
12:25 – 12:45 Story/ Afternoon Meeting/Clean-Up
12:45 – 1:00 Dismissal


What’s so special about our SPECIALS?

Preschool for the Arts is more than a Preschool- we strive to cultivate a love of learning through the ARTS. Each day students benefit from a “specials” class to help develop creativity, imagination, and cultural awareness. We include this as part of a balanced education to set our students up for success.

Preschool for the Arts offers Dance, Music, and Fitness as “specials” depending on age and number of days you attend. Each class is taught by a teacher specifically trained in that area and at no extra charge to you.

In Dance class, students work on coordination, major motor skills, and balance as they master some basic dance moves throughout the year.

In addition to the songs sung all day, Music is a fun class incorporating singing and the use of instruments to introduce students to rhythm, tone, and pitch.

Exercise is FUN in Fitness class where students learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies while they stretch, jump, twist, and get those hearts pumping.

All of our “specials” are offered in one of our large dance rooms which also offers students time away from the classroom and a change of scenery. “Specials” are, by far, one of the favorite times of the day.